
Make room for creativity. For Leaders and Thinkers. Open a playground for thoughts and ideas. Accompanied by soft pies in the sky, in the direction of change. Equipped with a sympathetic ear to make out distinctions big and small, and the courage to face the world anew. In midst our surroundings are all of us individuals with all our strengths, weaknesses, desires, dreams and plans. Community is reinvented. Courses waiting to be set, gears existing to be changed.

It takes many people to build a good tomorrow. Using creativity and dialogue, open-minded but within an established framework, we connect, anchor, discard, change and unite that which is our shared responsibility. The future. It is in our hands to decide what shape it will appear in. Let’s reclaim it, let’s commit, let’s be brave. In all things big and small. Together as a community

Openness & Courage


Each one of us is the sum of our experiences. People sometimes have similarities, but no one is exactly like anyone else. In order to understand an individual person, empathy, time and patience are key. The foundation for lasting change are an open mind and the courage to allow space for different worldviews. 

Visual aesthetics


Whether it’s a space, a workshop or a service – good design can always be seen and felt. Sometimes, only the tip of the iceberg is tangible – the result of extensive research and myriad thought processes. The better something appears to work externally, the more thought has gone into the user-focused process in the background. At the end of the day, form is of the essence.

Curiosity & a willingness to experiment


Concepts like a “beginner’s mind” and the call to “stay curious” are not just meaningless jargon. They represent a certain attitude, a specific way of facing reality. Of asking questions, repeatedly. Of comparing, of breaking things down.

Simplicity despite complexity

Sometimes when things can be expressed in plain language, it means there is a greater comprehension than initially appears to be the case. It is a skill to understand an issue in its entirety but only pick out its truly essential aspects. It’s not about simplifying a complex subject matter, but instead grasping it fully and presenting it in a clear and intelligible manner.

Sustainability: Humans as part of nature

At the best of times, we live in a symbiotic relationship with nature. Sustainable strategies and great design should focus on humans but be mindful of the environment. This is the only way to reach an economically and ecologically successful goal.

Co-Creative Commitment


We have to shape the future together. By listening and thus allowing space for diversity, we can reach a solution containing compromise as well as game-changing ideas. A hive mind and collective wisdom are essential tools towards inclusion.

“Courage is found in unlikely places.”

— JRR Tolkien, “The Lord of the Rings”